I went to Convent's Sports Days today with Grace and Glynn. Reached there about 9 something, we missed the kawat kaki session..huhu! But saw other's event. Its so nice to attend it once again, brought back the feelings that I had when I'm still studying there last time. I suddenly feel.....old. Saw others ex-convents too, lk Jeeva, Ida, Tze Hui, Kohila, Yashini, Abee, Suet Ying, Esther , Yee Ling, Sue Renn, Wai Quai.. to name a few. It's great to meet them up again after so many months. There's some jualan too by some clubs. But i dint taste the food cuz i ate my breakfast already. Oh! I talked to some teachers too like Pn. Norbanun, Pn. Nirmala and Pn. Rafiah. They are all my favourite and best teachers. Love them! Almost at the end of the event, there's also aerobics competition by each respective houses. Yellow House's mascot this year is quite creative too. Its a robot (transformer) which they have named it Beebo or something lk that. Hahaha! But what makes me proud is Yellow House became the best house for overall...again! Way to go Yellow House! We went out for lunch at Old Town after that. Hao Min came with us too. We saw Ida, Qian Peng and the rest of Convent girls again at Old Town. When think back, I think I have already ate more than 5 pieces of bread since morning till afternoon, one for breakfast and four for lunch. Is that bad? By the way, I bought another pair of sandals from Metro Point. Glynn bought a pair for herself too. We actually bargained with that guy, so he gave some diskaun for us. Yeah! Later on, i fetched Glynn, Grace, Hao Min and Ida back. Reached home bout 4 pm then doozed off. Oh ya! Before i forgot, i think i'm winning an award. Wanna guess what is it?.......Its the award for " Worse Parking Ever". Yea..i think i really sucks in parking. I know Glynn sure support this award. Hahaha! Another thing is that I'm actually changing to Digi soon. I told Grace and Hao Min today and they keep shooting out points to me on why I shouldn't change. Sorry girls, I had already made up my mind. I'm sleeping alone today because William went to his prefect's camp at Port Dickson. Guessed no one will irritate me tonight. But,..weird..i start to miss all his stupid acts to make me angry. The house seems so quite without him and jie.
Students at their respective tents
Glynn and me
Yellow House team performing their aerobics
Green House in action ( Check out the maskot)
The Blues
Red House with their mascot, The Bull Fighter and the bull itself