1. Never make my parents sad or angry (I have been a good girl this year, haven't I?)
2. Study even harder
3. Hold on to my promise to him. He's be in my heart forever ♥♥
4. Pray that everything will be great for my sis in Russia
6. Spend more time with him
6. Treat my bro better
7. Go out for a vacation with my frens
8. Meet Santa
9. Improve my mandrin
10. Learn to eat chilli (which i doubt)
11. Shed some excess fats
The list can go on until forever. But the above are my priority..I'll try my best to fullfill all. There's no doubt 2008 has been the best year in 17 years of my life. To my dear sis, thanks for your support and encouragement during the times when I doubted my self and when I need you. All the best for you In Russia and everyone here is looking forward to meet you back in M'sia next year. By then, both of us will become aunty already..there will be an additional member to our family. I know you will be reading my blog too. Lots of *hugs and kisses* from everyone here. To my special one, Happy New Year to you too! Love you always..
p/s~ I cleaned up my closet. Took bout 2 hours to complete.:)
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